Resolution against regulation of greenhouse gases passes

A House Joint Resolution to encourage Congress to prohibit EPA from regulating greenhouse gases has passed both houses of the legislature and awaits Governor Robert Bentley’s signature.

While it is not surprising this non-binding resolution was adopted by the legislature, what is surprising is that it nearly did not pass. The Senate Rules Committee only passed the resolution by a 5-4 vote before the full Senate adopted it on a voice vote. Pushed by Birmingham-area legislators, the resolution was drafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative think-tank that touts limited government, free markets, and federalism.

After a lengthy public hearing on March 31 resulted in a Senate committee passing the Forever Wild reauthorization bill, both the Senate and House versions of the bill are awaiting a vote in their respective houses. Alfa representatives and Tea Party activists continue their campaign against Forever Wild’s reauthorization despite 85 percent of Alabamians supporting the program.

The bill that would reinforce Governor Bentley’s 24-month moratorium on new landfills passed a House committee last week. The bill would give ADEM, the state health department, and the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee a chance to review state landfill permitting and develop a comprehensive statewide solid waste plan.

A bill that would allow ADEM to regulate coal ash as solid waste passed the full House 91-0 on March 31. This legislation is halfway home to becoming law.

Finally, our partners at AARP Alabama are hosting a lobby day at 1:45 p.m. Tuesday, April 19 on the steps of the Statehouse in Montgomery. The focus of the day will be complete streets legislation. This bill would require ALDOT to consider all users – pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists – when designing and building new and retrofit road projects. Call AARP Alabama at 1-866-542-8167 for more information about Complete Streets Day at the Capitol.

You can follow legislation related to the environment each week on Conservation Alabama’s Hot List at

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